Maybe you've wondered where I've been. Maybe you're a follower of my blog and have noticed that I haven't keep it upated like I usually do. Perhaps you follow my work and wonder what in the world is going on - you haven't seen anything new since the holidays! Well, believe me, I've been working on a new project....
Meet Baby Butterbean, my newest project. I had a little help on this one! 9 weeks old today with a heartrate of 176 bpm and I'm only about the size of a butterbean!
I have to tell you, this new project has taken it all out of me. I've been quite sick and sleepier than I thought possible. I've invested in Sea Bands, motion sickness bands worn on my wrists to help with the nausea. They are helping so I am getting back into the studio this week and hoping to get back into the swing of things.
We are truly thrilled with the news that our family will have a new addition, scheduled to arrive sometime in September, and we just wanted to share the news with you. Hopefully I'll stay well enough to introduce you to some smaller-scale projects between now and then
See You Soon,