About Me

That's me. Circa 1982. And that's my room. The mess on my walls was the result of 'My-Child-Doesn't-Sleep-So-I-Let-Her-Draw-on-Her-Walls-in-the-Middle-of-the-Night' Syndrome. I didn't sleep through the night until I was 5 years old so this is what I did when everyone else was asleep. Things haven't changed much.

I'm Jamie Lott. I live in Southeast Georgia, near Savannah. I'm married to my Taekwondo teacher and we have two kids. I still draw in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep but I do sleep much more these days. I have a degree in Psychology. No formal art training. Everything I know, I taught myself. What you don't learn from trial and error, you can sometimes learn on the Internet.

I like to make....things. Any manner of things really. Sometimes I like to make dolls. Sometimes I like to make the dolls out of cloth, other times, clay and sometimes I combine the two. I want to know how to do everything. I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time but I don't like to start something and not finish it. So I'm usually working on alot of things all at once. I have always liked dolls.

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