I have never lived more than a few blocks from Main Street in my life. I have never heard the cows mooing in the morning, never heard the bullfrogs croaking at night and I have NEVER had the pleasure of being jarred from sleep at 4 in the morning by a Whippoorwill serenading me just outside my bedroom window....until now!
Now, not only do I live more than a few blocks from Main Street, I live a few blocks from the main road! Just before we purchased this property last summer we drove out one night just because we couldn't wait to live here and because we wanted to 'see what it looked like at night'. We were in love and couldn't believe all this beauty would soon be ours. I was driving, windows down, taking in the warm breeze with our little one in the backseat. We were thrilled at the prospects of our new home, a home that we could never have imagined we would one day own. But just as I pulled over the road near the pond, in the pitch blackness of night I heard it....the sound of the night like I had never heard it before. Loud, close and unceasing. It was in that moment that I wondered whether this "city girl" had made a mistake. Sometimes, at night, especially when my husband is away and me and my little one are alone, I stay inside. But when the sun brings daylight again, it's a completely different story.
This is our first spring in our new home out in the country. We have planted trees, bulbs and bought a tiller - something neither of us

ever thought we'd own - and soon we will be planting our garden. Full of good things like onions, squash and corn. My little one has requested watermelons and cantalope. Country life is really starting to grow on me. Tonight we had our first meal from our land. We caught eight brim and two catfish from our pond. Tonight's supper was fish, grits and corn fritters. If I didn't know better, I'd think I had always been a country girl. I am definately becoming a convert. Above is a picture of the chicken coop we hope to build soon....fresh eggs for breakfast and pound cakes!
I love my new life and I've gotta tell ya, I don't really miss Main Street!
A picture of "The Tree" - one lone petrified tree that hearalds the sky as though it's pointing to the heavens. A reminder to me always how I got here.....