March is the 2nd birthday of my artist co-op group, TDIPT. The artists of
To Dwell in Primitive Thymes are hosting quite a birthday bash and YOU get all the presents! Here are the details:
Beginning Sunday March 1st, visit the TDIPT Mercantile at TdiptMercantile.com or our group's blog at ToDwellInPrimitiveThymes.BlogSpot.com. While you're there, get signed up for our newsletter. Not only will you be the first to know what's happening with TDIPT but you'll also be automatically entred to win one of the ELEVEN wonderful prizes donated by our artists. And, as if that isn't easy enough, each purchase you make on the Mercantile gives you additional chances to win! You do not have to be a member of our newsletter to win. Winners will be chosen at random on March 20th.
Remember, the Mercantile updates on the 1st AND the 15th of each month with only the best that primitive folk art has to offer. We hope to see you at our party!

Happy Birthday TDIPT!