Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All Dressed Up with Some Place to Go...

Preparing for a show is alot of work!

Sometimes it requires power tools...

Other times, handsome elves.

Supplies can be fragile

and it's frustrating when they break!

But then it all comes together, eventually, and sometimes there's even a delightful face staring back at you.
It's all worth it then.

Sometimes you spend tons of time on your bright ideas.

You stain, paint (spend too much money) and envision a vintage bigtop tent...

but you wind up with the plain tent you started with and even though that "bright" idea didn't go as planned, you've got yourself some pretty fancy tablecloths!

When the gluing, painting, stuffing (cursing) and preparing is done...

you've got a whole crowd of new whimsies to cheer you on.

Only problem is, they're worn out, too!

I'm all done getting ready for my upcoming art show, the Norcross Art Fest. We're loading everything up tonight and will be off tomorrow afternoon for what will be my very first show.

Join me here on my blog Saturday and Sunday for live twitter feed updates and pictures from the show. Pics of the motley crew I've created to take with me, the tent that turned into a table cloth and various works of art from among the other 100+ artists who'll be at the show with me.

Off to load the crew into the van!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Halloween Queens Blog Giveaway

Polish up your broom, dust off your caldron and conjure the spirit of Halloween - AHQU - Artistic Halloween Queens - is having a Blog Giveaway!
Hop on over there now for your chance to win one of 6 amazing prizes. Giveaway ends on Sept. 22nd which, appropriately enough, is the fist day of Fall.
Be a winner! Click the banner above and slide down the rabbit hole to a fabulous Halloween wonderland!

You could win this prize, donated by me:

See you there Boils & Ghouls!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Monster Mash

Because I am uber busy getting ready for my art show, naturally I feel it's necessary to procrastinate occasionally. It's the only way to stay sane enough to make myself eventually get back to work!

Here's today's procrastination: (click the pic)

More art show updates later.....for now I really should get back to work!
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