Pssst.....pssst. No! Down here!
Oh hello! I do apologize if I've startled you. No, no I am not this Jamie you speak of. Please allow me to explain and, of course, introduce myself...oh! You cannot see me, you say?! That just won't do! Oh whatever will I do....
Perhaps if I share my secrets with you, you will be able to see me. I'll take you on an adventure through my secret world and tell you about the creatures who live here. There are some who would not take kindly to my sharing this with strangers but since you're here, I suspect you have an appreciation for all things magical and enchanted. And you can keep a secret, can't you? In the meantime, watch your step, I don't fancy being stepped upon!

My story beings here, along a seemingly ordinary road of dirt...not just any dirt, of course. There is magic here, if only you will take the time to see it...
Here is Faery Hollow. This is where the faeries live...do you see them?

No, I expect not. Well then, come along.
This is where the faeries dance....

A faery dance is unlike anything you've ever seen. I really wish you could see them....
There are Hobbits here, too and while they aren't the brightest of creatures they're certainly among the happiest. Take a close look....see anything??

Well you must get closer, Dear. These are wee creatures after all....

Oh dear! I do think I've been spotted...

Oh, of course, it's a wee one...the little ones always see me.

I never have understood how the older you beings get the less you see...
I'd love to have you meet old Mrs. Wicket. She's a delightful toad who lives amongst the toadstools. Perhaps she'd be willing to come out for a visit one day soon...

Now, I know you've all been taught to be afraid of trolls but it's all rubbish, I tell you! Elias lives here and as you can see he takes quite good care of the place and is always ready with tea and crumpets for visitors.
How do' Elias!
Welcome to the Blackberry Briar. You can go in if you like. It's the only real way to see the creatures who live here. Of course, I'll wait out here. The prickly branches reek such havoc on my wings....

I've shown you most of the magical places here but I'll bet there's one place you haven't thought to look....LOOK UP! What do you see.....

And here we are at The Bridge of Sighs...it's the only way to The Other Side. We do not like to speak of The Other Side but it isn't all rainbows and sunshine in my world anymore than it is in yours.

Yes, there is The Other Side, but we needn't speak of that just now....

There is one last secret I haven't shared with you. The biggest of them all. It's the story of the Beldame. Legend has it, she created us all with the magic she keeps locked up in her workshop. It is said that by the light of the moon she creates all of the creatures, who before, only existed in her dreams.
Oh, 'who am I?', still can't see me, eh? Ahhh well, maybe I've shared enough for today. But I will tell you this! Meet me here,
Sunday, April 19th. I've taken up the 99th post on this blog and something tells me there'll be something special waiting for you then. Perhaps this will be the best time for proper introductions....
Sunday, April 19th, come and allow me to properly introduce myself and perhaps I'll share more about the Beldame...something tells me you'll like her.
Oh! Must go....I think I've been discovered!
Hey! Who's written all of this on my blog?!READ THE CONTINUATION OF THIS STORY HERE